Check Accordion Trio
check accordion trio
Classical and modern music, Balkan music, Argentine tango or minimalist techno
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about us
Check Accordion Trio
The Check Accordion Trio was formed in 2017. It consists of Markéta Laštovičková, Marie Čejnová and Michal Karban. Each member of the trio has extensive experience in attending and performing in competitions in the United States, Russia and across Europe. In fact, the three musicians met each other while participating in these competitions.
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Check Accordion Trio
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Check Accordion Trio
Accordion concerts
Educational concerts for children
Musical courses for children and music teachers
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Check Accordion Trio
The core value of trio: Markéta Laštovičková, Marie Čejnová and Michal Karban, is to showcase the accordion and its abilities in as many forms, variations and music genres as possible.
Markétka Laštovičková
"Playing with our trio gives me an opportunity to unwind and relax in the hectic world that I live in. Being a part of this trio also allows me to spend time with people I care about."
Marie Čejnová
“Thanks to the fact that I am a part of our trio I gained a great number of musical skills. I became better at being a part of a team, and I have definitely become more selfless. They support me, inspire me and I'm very grateful to have them.”
Michal Karban
“Playing in the Check Accordion Trio means that I can share my experience with someone. We share joy, music, as well as concerts that I can share with friends that make me feel comfortable. Our trio gives me opportunities to play non-traditional music for various audiences and I’m able to showcase the variations our instrument has to offer.”